Discharge Client - How Do I Do That?
As we know, the goal of treatment is to help clients improve as quickly as possible and to discharge them from Achieve. Here are two points to keep in mind:
For clients NOT receiving medication from an Achieve prescriber: There are two forms to complete. First, complete the myEvolv Discharge form, and then go to Siggie and open and complete the Siggie Discharge form (circled in red below). This second form is absolutely necessary because it is the only way for the Intake and Assignment Department to know to remove the client from your caseload, and to deactivate the client in the system. (By the way, if you forgot to complete this form for any clients you intended to discharge, please do that now.)
For clients who ARE receiving medication from an Achieve prescriber: Before completing any the two required discharge forms, you must communicate with the prescriber to obtain psychiatry clearance for discharge (prescriber might require another appointment to settle medications or create a proper psychiatry handoff to a new prescriber), and then indicate this communication in the myEvolv discharge note and in the field in the Siggie form. It is our responsibility to make sure that clients have a proper medication plan post-discharge, and to confirm an appointment with their next prescriber. (And remember - "Discharge" ends all services simultaneously, including psychiatry.)