From: Jonathan Frohlich <>
Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2020 7:08 PM
To: Clinical Department <>
Subject: What do I do if my session was too short to be "billable" - who do I contact?
Hello everybody. The following question has come up a few times recently: What do I do if my session was too short to be "billable" - who do I contact?
Here is the answer: Unlike the Accumedic days, you are not selecting service codes on session notes. When you enter the session duration in the note, the system determines if the session is billable. Therefore, there is no longer any need to email the billing
department to change a session to unbillable due to time. Just enter the session exactly as it happened, with the correct time and duration. This should be simpler for all.
Jonathan Frohlich, Ph.D.
Clinical Director
Achieve Behavioral Health
845-425-5252 x312