From: Jonathan Frohlich <>
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 12:26 PM
To: Clinical Department <>
Subject: Bringing clients to the staff kitchen / staff areas (please don't do that)
Good afternoon. Just to clarify - clinicians should not bring clients to the staff kitchen or other staff areas. Clients should remain in the clinic areas, and not be brought into staff areas for a variety of reasons (staff should be able to feel comfortable
to go to these areas and talk and have some down time, and should be able to have conversations not meant for the ears of clients).
Thank you for the team spirit and all working together!
Jonathan Frohlich, Ph.D.
Clinical Director
Achieve Behavioral Health, a Division of Bikur Cholim
25 Robert Pitt Drive
Monsey, NY 10952
(845) 425-5252 ext 312